Helpful Resources

My desire is to help people with their insurance needs. Also to help people find good resources for related services for living better, happier lives, for keeping fit, traveling, saving money, finding fun things to do. This is my sharing page.

Located in west Fort Worth, TX

(817) 874-7569  -- -- Call or Text

Marilyn Kaye Walker

Living Life & Saving Money!

Online Resources & Around Fort Worth

Travel, keeping active, interesting and fun things to do, plus money-saving tips.
Money isn’t everything, but finding ways to keep more of your earnings in your pocket can help you have more money to enjoy the things you really want to do.

Retired? Now What?

Some people retire and find so many things to keep themselves busy, they wonder how they ever had time for a job. And some people prefer to continue to work. Here are some tips for retirement.


Love to travel? Here are some helpful tips about travel and insurance. Travel outside of the United States can create special needs, like getting care in a foreign county, and getting home.

Keeping Fit

Keeping healthy and in good shape is important at any age. Did you know some Medicare Advantage Insurance Plans include gym memberships? And some gyms offer movement exercise classes designed for seniors.

Buying on a Budget

Hanging on to your money is a job in itself. Here are some thoughts for saving your money to spend as you want. Tips for when and where to buy, and places to get the best deals online and locally.

Local Services

Finding the help you need can be daunting, even in this twenty-first century of the Internet and search engines. So. What local services do you need? An attorney, hearing test, doctor, optometrists?  Here are some ideas to help.

Prescription Drugs

Some Medicare Advantage Insurance Plans include a prescription drug plan. There are also stand-alone prescription drug plans available from insurance companies. And there are non-insurance discount prescription drug cards.

Fort Worth Area Favorites

These are some of my favorite local services, along with recommendations from others.


Did you know you can have a Medicare Insurance Plan from a private insurer along with your VA Benefits? Some VA Benefits can work along with a Medicare Private Insurance Plan, it varies depending on the VA Benefit plan.

Alternatives to Insurance

It would be lovely if everyone had insurance, but sometimes people need alternatives, such as medical cost-sharing groups.

Small Business

For self-employed people and very small businesses, there are some discount options available that may help with medical expenses. Small and medium-sized businesses may need outside help to navigate their employee health programs.

Dental, Vision

& Hearing

Many Medicare Advantage Insurance Plans include help with dental, vision, and hearing services. There are also stand-alone insurance plans and discount plans available for DV&H.


Long Term Care
Hospital Indemnity Plans
Pet Insurance

Medicaid, Disability

& Extra Help

There are numerous federal, state, and local government programs and social services to help with the costs for insurance, medications, finances, and other special needs.

Summary of Resource Pages


Hopefully these additional resource pages will help you with other insurance and health related information you might be seeking.

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Marilyn Kaye Walker

Located in west Fort Worth

(817) 874-7569  -- Texas